Because he's the only one who can see in the dark in our party, Abner serves as our guide in the combat. She's fighting an orc who can cast spells (I think?) and we get hit with Deeper Darkness. Meeting Azure: When we get to a bar (represented by a flipmat our group uses for EVERY bar we fight in) we meet Azure, who I mentioned above. well, not everything is forgiven, but at least we have a full party. WAAAAAAAAAAAGH: And then the WAAAAAAAAAAAGH happened, and our party is thrust headfirst into the middle of a pitched battle! We ran around the city lighting the signal beacons to summon help, Abner takes particular glee in killing every half-orc we see, and we think he dies after charging off an open tower and down a cliff (due to an Obscuring Mist spell he himself cast and then said "Don't worry, they're too stupid to understand basic tactics!") He scaled the cliffs to save our bacon after the rest of the party was beaten into unconsciousness and tied up for imminent and repeated rape trophy-collection. He said of Brinya mourning the death of her beloved Rodrick "Oh, look! It thinks it's feeling sorrow!", was suspicious of every half-orc in Trunau's blacksmith shop because he thinks all orcs are murderers (then he quickly decided that the half-orcs can't be blacksmiths because "all orcs are f&!#ing illiterate, and half of the stupid hopeknives in this city have writing on the blade.") and when we noticed all the white crosses dotting Trunau and found evidence of orcs burrowing under the city through the plague house, and I'm quoting the guy from memory here, "We should round up all those stinking half-orcs in the city and put them somewhere. And Your Racist Friend: Seriously, Abner was really, really hilariously racist towards every half-orc in Trunau. Abner Stormhearth, a dwarf druid, who was even more racist towards orcs and half-orcs than per dwarven norm.Damien didn't actually know about how Mike was playing his character, so it was quite a hilarious surprise when she met. Azure, a half-orc sorcerer who joined the party during the big-ass battle in Trunau, played by Damien.Waldo, a halfling mouser whose character picture was the (blank) back side of his character sheet, played by Matt.Inga, his twin sister, a shaman and chirurgeon played by me.

Rogen, a human totemist (yes, a Magic of Incarnum class!) played by Cory.The Party: Might as well introduce them while I'm typing this. What Done It: Casual racism, one big damn bomb. Location: Just outside the city gates at an orc-fortified position. We never really learned much about Abner. Anyway, you know the routine! (Besides, this'll kill some time while Steam and my 2DS update)

There isn't one of these yet? Geez, people, we're either getting better at this adventuring thing since Rise of the Runelords, or we're slacking.